Saturday, June 27, 2009

MR. T'S BOWL, Highland Park

FRIDAY JUNE 26, 2009

Highland Park. Wow! It's been about 10 years since we've played this joint. It's changed a lot in the last decade. The stage is in a different location. The bar seems bigger and the regulars seem older. But, my man Arlo is still there running the board and is still cool as hell! I forgot how nice Mr. T's really is!

Anyway, I arrived about 10pm and the show hadn't even started yet. I walked in and immediately ran into Martin, Kriistii and Mark who were hanging out near the bar. The rest of the boys were outside talking to the other bands and my dear friend Loren Miyake (Foreign Object). Every band tonight is from out of town. We're the only local band, except for The Stains who I read were playing somewhere else. Chumps!!

Loren and Martin

At 10:30pm the first band finally hit the stage. THE AOK'S from Santa Cruz opened the night with the ska-punk stylings so you know where I was at... Yup, the parking lot sippin' and smokin', staying away from the wretched sounds of those awful horns!!!

Next up were DUN BIN HAD, also from Santa Cruz and also a ska-punk band so once again I was back outside talking with the boys and Joey Rimicci (Kill Detail, Jughead's Revenge, Cellphish, GG Elvis, Black Fag). He and I went to get some grub and refreshments. I feel band for not supporting these out of town bands but I really don't like ska and can not subject myslf to that kind of music.

Lexington, Kentucky punkers K DAVIS & THE HAVE-NOTS were up next and did their thing. No ska whatsoever, which was refreshing to my already bleeding ears. Nice guys too. After their set Arlo said he wanted us to go on so that's what we did... Went off!!
We played a shortened set of about 10 songs ending with Nate's (singer of INFECTED) favorite song off our "Turn Up the Suck!!"" EP, which he'd brought from Kentucky for us to sign. Being a fan of DLP since 1996, Nate said he was very excited about tonight's show and his enthusiasim did show.

Gizz with his silent tribute to Michael Jackson (notice the one glove)

XL rockin' the fiddle

XploStevo hittin' the low notes

"Dirty" Don... just Rokken

After the Lazlo set, INFECTED went up and played their Southern hearts out. I really enjoyed their set. Nate is an amazing frontman and his voice is one that is original. He doesn't try to sound like anyone, which is nice this day in age where you can't tell who's who if you listen to just the singer. I look forward to playing with these guys again someday. Hopefully in their neck of the woods. Thanks guys, for a truly enjoyable evening!!

Nate Dawg and G.Lo hammin' it up for the camera backstage

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