Sunday, October 11, 2009

BEAUTY BAR, Las Vegas, Nevada

FRIDAY JULY 31, 2009

Today was a long ass day. It started at noon when I got dropped off at our studio and began the task of getting our gear downstairs so that DON and I could pack up the van and head out. Don was in charge of picking up our rental van and I was in charge of getting the gear downstairs. Around 3:30pm Don finally arrived at the studio and we loaded everything up and make our way to Montrose to pick up XL from work.

Our new guitarist, TODD "GOOZ" GUZMAN and XPLOSTEVO left before noon with their girlfriends so that they could go sightseeing and rest up at their hotels. Us "three amigos" decided it would be fun to head out there all Huck Finn / Apocolypse Now-style to show up before show time. Not so. We arrived at XL's work at exactly 4:30pm to what we were told we'd be leaving immediately... I'd told Don as we're pulling up that I'd bet him $20 that XL was going to pull a fast one and work until 5pm. That he had no intention of getting off work early. Don took the bet. To make a long story short. I'm up $20! Vegas is lookin' better and better by the minute!!

Gizz Lazlo rockin' the mic

Anyway, 5pm comes and XL limps his way to the van and finally jumps in around 5:05pm. We head out in search of wine, women and song in the City of Sin at 60 mph until we get ot Pasadena, which is about 15 miles away. At this point we're pretty much bumper to bumper going 30 mph in the Diamond Lane. XL keeps texting "fag" to my phone (from the back of the van), Xplo and The Gooz keep texting me for updates as to where we are and Don is patiently driving us in the summer heat into the miserable desert along side the 15 freeway, which isn't so free at the moment.

XploStevo & XL dueling gitros

Around 8pm we finally arrive in Baker to gas up the tank and ourselves. Well, me and XL tank up! We get some food, water and of course some beer for the remainder of the trip. Keeping in constant contact with the boys already in Vegas we see the Vegas lights around 9:45pm. I'm stressing out because SOUL TRASH is to hit the stage at 10pm and I don't want to miss them since I got them show and I think that would be rude of me to be there to show my support. With no time to spare we pull up behind the BEAUTY BAR to find the show hasn't even started yet. I got thru the front entrance to get security to open the back gate so we can haul in our gear but I'm instantly re-directed as I bump into a bunch of old Vegas friends, The boys and Trashy Girls of Soul Trash, and my DLP boys already enjoying some ice cold brews.

The Soul Trash Trashy Girls, um... yeah.

10:45pm hits and ST slams into their 30 minute set with tiresome aggression. It seems like the bassist and drummer are kinda lost going into the set but get back on track by the second song. They remind me of Danzig-era Misfits and Social D. for some reason. Maybe because their singer, Dave Diamond is short (just kidding Double D). They have the dirty Hollywood rock 'n' roll thing happening but I have to admit there's something missing and I don't know what it is. When I figure it out, I'll let them know by kicking out members and replacing them with me and a bassist to be named later! HAHAHAHAHA...

"Dirty" Don rockin' Vegas

As soon as Soul Trash finishes their set, we get our shit onstage so we can rock at 11:30pm. Okay, think about it... it's almost midnight and it's about 90-95 degrees... OUTSIDE!!! I'm sweatin' my ball off before I even walk onstage. I've already downed a few beers at this point so I'm feelin' fine. We launch into our 45 minute 30 minute set to a crowd of old friends cheering us on! By mid set the heat is starting to take it's toll on me so I ask for a beer and sit down somewhere by the bar as the bartender (an African-American transexual) offers me a free beer. Never one to pass up a free beer, I take it and a kiss on the cheek. No it didn't feel weird... yet! Why, because I didn't know she used to be a he. Okay, I did! HAHAHAHAHA... This is The Gooz's third show with us and he is really coming into his own. My old high school friend and now Vegas Videographer, BRIAN WHITE is in attendence and is really stoked on the new line-up so I know we'll be fine from this point on. By the set's end we're all sweating and all have huge smiles as we know we've finally nailed it. Oh, yeah, I almost killed myself trying to jump on a chair but that's a totally different story.

Ranny, the bartender

Brian White (LV Access Video)

REVENGE CLUB was up next. I believe they're from the OC somewhere. They have a girl singer/guitarist and drummer who can hit the skins. They had a pretty good sound but not too punk rock. A little light for this show but they did hold their own. Very nice people as we spoke with them after the show for a little bit.

The Gooz's third show with DLP

ONE BIG LIE from Los Angeles was up as the headliner of the night. By 1am when they hit the stage there was no on really there. Remember this is ROLLER CON WEEKEND and there's 5 punk after-party shows going on tonight so people are bar hoppin' try to catch their favorite bands. OBL remind me of a lot of Fat/Epitaph bands. Nothing original but very tight and energetic. I really dug them. Brian and I sat and watched the last two band from our VIP table while we smoked up a storm and broke chairs. Personally, I think the heat had something to do with it!!

The Soul Trash Train (l to r): XL, Ned, Gizz, James, Dave D.

All in all it was a great night. We got to hang out with some old friends and we made a lot of new ones. By 2am, me and they boys were ready to head to our friend, RUCKUS house who was kind enough to offer us a place to crash. We stopped at 7-11 across the street from the old Huntridge to buy chips, food and beer. We make it to The Rev's house to open arms! Brian, Ruckus, XL, Don and I drink til 6am and then finally pass out in the nice A/C cooled living room of The Rev's palace. Good night everyone!!! Kisses... hic.... ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Two Reverends; Rob Ruckus (The Vermim) with Gizz

photos by: Kriistii Crown and Sal Cochino

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